Heads Will Roll by Yeah Yeah Yeahs

*Rosemary spits out her Red Mist but The Anti-Pope blocks it but falls down pretending as though he was hit by the mist. Rosemary tries to walk past The Anti-Pope, but The Anti-Pope grabs Rosemary by the legs and tripped her. The Anti-Pope rushes into the home*

The “Anti-Pope”: Its got to be in here somewhere!

Mike’s Daughter: AW! Dad! That crazy drunk guy is in the house! *grabs a baseball bat* Shoo! Shoo! Get out of there! Get out of our home! *looks at Mike Check* Dad! Aren’t you going to help me out here?!

Mike Check: I don’t know. I mean he did warn us about Daryl coming to our home.

Mike’s Daughter: This guy is a crazy lunatic!

*The Anti-Pope dodges the bat swings from Mike Check’s Daughter by running around all over the place. The Anti-Pope stops to see something that he thinks that he’s looking for*

The “Anti-Pope”: AW! There it is!

*The Anti-Pope finds a book called “Broadcast Voice Handbook: How to Polish Your On-Air Delivery” being used as a coaster for a bottle of whiskey on Mike Check’s radio equipment. The Anti-Pope grabs the book and rips off the book cover to reveal a burnt, dark book. The Anti-Pope opens and reads the book.*

Mike’s Daughter: Hey! Drop that– *Mike Check’s Daughter swings her bat at The Anti-Pope but The Anti-Pope catches the bat, flings it out of Mike Check’s Daughter’s hands and pushes her so hard she get pushed to the other side of the house.*

Mike Check: Just what are you there feller!

The “Anti-Pope”: Well I am no pope that’s for sure!

*The book in The Anti-Pope’s hand starts to glow, fire starts to surround The Anti-Pope, his clothes and face burn away to show who This Anti-Pope was, Father James Mitchell”*

Father James Mitchell: OH I do love it when I make a good deal! I’ve been seeking for this cursed Dusty Rhodes book for years and now I own it! OH THE POWER THAT I FEEL WITHIN THIS BOOK!

Rosemary (gets up slowly, runs to Mike Check and grabs him by the chest): That’s *points to The Dusty Rhodes book* the Dusty Rhodes book! YOU HAD IT THE ENTIRE TIME?!

Mike Check: Honestly Rosemary that’s not the question I have. What I want to know is why is the station manager of WVUDU is doing here?

James Mitchell: Heads will roll tonight! Starting with yours, Rosemary!

Posted on October 10, 2019, in music. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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