Can’t Stop The Fire by Bill Conti

“Broken” Matt Hardy: Now, Meek Check. Your Intellectual and Spiritual journey will now involve facing your fears. You fear Fire, yes?

Mike Check: Fire?! What the heck are you tryin’ to me there feller? I’ve always been afraid of fire.

“Broken” Matt Hardy: No. It is the fire that should fear you, Meek Check. Not the other way around. Remember our lesson with DELETING the Mongrovian Oak board?

Mike’s daughter: So, what are you going to do? Use your “magic” to cure his fear?

“Broken” Matt Hardy: YEEEESSSS. But not in quite the way that you think, Daughter of Meek. (*calls out*) Senor Benjamin! Prepare the battlefield with “Fire”.

Senior Benjamin. (*Comes towards them*) Si, Signor Hardy (*Senor Benjamin lays down a bed of burning hot coal in front of them and sets it alight*)

“Broken” Matt Hardy: Now Meek Check, you must walk on this bed of burning hot coal and fire in order to face your fears.

Mike Check: No, feller! I can’t do it!

“Broken” Matt Hardy: Nonsense! (*pushes Mike into the fire*) YEEEESSSSS!

Mike Check: *Mike runs through the burning hot coal as fast as he can* Aaaggghhhhhh! My feet are burning worse than the time I walked on a Californian Beach on a hot day that time I worked the Venice Beach market!

“Broken” Matt Hardy: Do not worry about that (*uses his magic to heal Mikes burns on his feet*)

Mike Check: Why thank ya, there feller. That feels much better. So can we “Stop the Fire” now? I think that might of finally cured my fear?

“Broken” Matt Hardy: We shall see about that, Meek Check. However I “Cannot Stop the Fire”? Now, repeat your fire walk another 50 times, post haste!

Mike Check: *Starts sobbing* I’m too ole for this sh—

Posted on April 17, 2020, in music. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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